At the age of four he injured his head in a fall and was left with some residual muscle tremor and paralysis.
Pigeons breed year round, and long-term use of the drug was expensive and caused some muscle tremors.
Since his appearance, she had developed little muscle tremors; her face was drawn and white, her eyes were fixed on him.
In cats, the symptoms include paresis, hyporeflexia, and muscle tremors.
When too much is taken, corydalis can cause spasms and muscle tremors.
Palms clammy, pulse elevated, some fine muscle tremor, general malaise.
Henbane might also relieve muscle tremors and have a calming effect.
Paul reached out, supported Hawat by the shoulders, feeling the muscle tremors beneath his hands.
He fought hard to control his breathing and muscle tremors.
I thought I saw the wake of a smile, or maybe it was a muscle tremor.