The venom paralyzes the muscles required for breathing and movement.
The muscles required to carry a school bag are mostly those in the neck and shoulders, as this is the area where the straps of the bag are commonly supported.
Practice and so on gives you the muscle required to be able to improvise.
When the brain recognizes that the body is walking uphill, it makes neural adaptations that send more activity to muscles required for uphill walking.
With all of its superficial deficiencies and difficulties, Wallach IX remained the perfect place to develop the psychic muscles required of Reverend Mothers.
Firstly the group of muscles required to purse the lips run through the upper lip.
In particular, the specimen had a well-developed keeled breastbone that serves as an anchor for the muscles required for flight.
Because the appropriate dose of neuromuscular-blocking drug may paralyze muscles required for breathing (i.e., the diaphragm), mechanical ventilation should be available to maintain adequate respiration.
Second, know the tools you need to put the booth together, as well as the muscle required to do it.
Louisa Peacock strengthens the muscles required to steer a Formula 1 racing car during her workout at McLaren's gym.