Covenant stood still under Sunder's outburst; but the small muscles around his eyes flinched as if he wanted to shout, What's the matter with you?
A muscle flinched along Austin's lean jawline.
Every muscle flinched from the nearness of the strike.
He put a hand on the shoulder beside him and felt the muscles flinch.
The muscles at the corners of Geraden's eyes flinched at every word.
Although she has examined my belly, felt my muscles flinch, and heard me groan at her touch, she did not quite believe my symptoms.
His muscles flinched, but nothing else moved.
Every muscle in his body flinched and tensed, as if preparing for a tremendous blow.
The muscles in his jaw flinched, but he had no response.
Nate's sore muscles flinched at the thought of a week on one of those.