The doctor gently cooled her face and forehead with damp towels, murmuring encouragement.
As a woman stepped gingerly on the store's old-fashioned scale, which promises but does not deliver horoscopes, they murmured encouragement.
He tried to take his time, stroking her and murmuring encouragement to her, but it was no good.
He murmured encouragement to her, not loud enough to reach the ears of Taita.
As the students arched into a back bend - camel pose - she murmured encouragement and comforting phrases.
Jackie murmured encouragement against his mouth and trembled in his arms as he pushed her t-shirt upward.
Denna murmured encouragement to him, urging him to eat for her.
Britta turned away and continued her slow progress across the chamber, murmuring encouragement to the bowed figure in her embrace.
Taita murmured encouragement from above, and the boy's confidence grew with each move upwards.
Murmuring encouragement, he got her inside the weyr-hold.