This creates a murky situation, and sports lawyers interviewed yesterday had various opinions about what Tampa Bay deserved.
Pentagon officials say the Navy adjusted well to operating in the murky situation between war and peace that existed in the gulf.
Three: The rather murky political situation in Tolnedra makes it extremely risky to contemplate bringing the legions down here.
It was solely their context that interested me, and the light they seemed to throw upon a murky situation.
It was a murky situation in a hostile country, and there was no perfect solution.
It is a murky situation.
The Nicaraguan election, far from having clarified a murky situation, has plunged that country into a series of ever murkier questions.
The Pentagon offered new details of events surrounding the casualties, but refused to accept responsibility for the incident or to explain fully what remained a murky situation.
Tom Smith is one of many undecided voters counting on the Senate debate tomorrow night to clarify a murky situation.
(front page, April 24), on the prospects for India's national election in late May, is an illuminating study of a murky situation.