Allowed Visits With Wives El Rukns cases offer a rare look at the sometimes murky relationship between prosecutors and their informers.
Fourth, we come to the murky relationship between the terrorist state and stateless terrorism.
We know that these police units have a very murky relationship with the courts and Crown Prosecution Service.
"Entrepreneurs" turns up another worm at the core of the heartland by investigating the murky relationship between good citizenship and success.
Opium is the glue that holds this murky relationship together.
That is where the subtle shift lies in the murky relationship between a team and its coach.
The hottest, and most contentious, topic in art history at the moment is the longstanding but murky relationship between painting and optics.
We have to keep investigating those murkier relationships.
He argued that the novel's central theme was the mystery of artistic influence, borrowing and collaboration, the individual artists murky relationship to the world around him.
Just so, and in "Money, Greed, and Risk" Morris seeks to demystify the murky relationship between finance and the real economy.