It reduces the tendency of small screens to present murky, oddly colored images when viewed even slightly off center.
But Mercury, another auto nameplate with declining sales and a murky image, is hanging on.
The Woods Hole scientists who viewed the videos taken in 1971 reported that nothing conclusive could be determined from the murky images.
Most startling is an image unlikely to circulate after any family's Easter meal: a murky pornographic image of a man.
Indoors, unless you angle the screen toward the ceiling, you often get only a murky image against a dark gray background.
For an instant, murky images of the distant past clouded I his vision.
His head whirled with murky images, a scream frozen on his lips.
Online consumers are often faced with images murky enough to be featured on "The X Files."
They are cheap usually not because they are bad cars - although some are - but because they have a murky image.
Eventually, all you may be able to see is a murky or cloudy image.