In this chapter, the audience sees the true reason for the criminal's murderous actions in Watanagashi-hen-a lost love.
He drew the edge of his hand across her throat, illustrating the murderous action.
Sylvie's Slipins in laconic, murderous action against the scorpion gun cluster.
All Muslims cannot be held accountable for the murderous actions of 19 men.
She passes out and wakes up in her room, where she tries to tell the servants about Snow White's murderous actions.
This murderous action, aimed at families gathered to enjoy a Sabbath lunch, killed and injured dozens of men, women, and children.
He testified that he tried to avoid participation in the more murderous actions of the camp.
Of course, Drizzt knew of such battles, but he had held out hope that his own family was above that sort of murderous action.
Purely to put a stop to the murderous actions of a dictator?
To Ralph Trent, madness was the only explanation for the murderous actions of Rose's father.