She had offered her diamond earrings in a murder-for-hire plot aimed at getting her daughter on the junior high cheerleading squad and was sentenced to 10 years in prison.
After the murder-for-hire plot, Frost continued to be an active member of the team as a team scout.
A decision was made to release Mr. Khoshaba "to permit further investigation of this murder-for-hire plot," and he later disappeared, Mr. Levi said.
It was a multiple homicide, it involved intentional killing carried out during the commission of another felony and it apparently began as a murder-for-hire plot.
The Ninth U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals later overturned his conviction, saying there was not enough evidence of a murder-for-hire plot.
On June 11, 2010, Steele and another man were arrested and charged in connection with an alleged murder-for-hire plot to kill Steele's wife and mother-in-law.
Jury selection in Michael Irvin's drug possession trial is being slowed because several prospects admitted they know about an alleged murder-for-hire plot against the Dallas Cowboys receiver.
They once nominated Abe Hirschfeld, the wealthy realtor now on parole after serving time in a murder-for-hire plot, for the post of state comptroller.
This particular show featured various participants in a sordid murder-for-hire plot.
To a Svengali agent who would be the target of an unsophisticated murder-for-hire plot in 2004.