A man convicted more than 13 years ago of murdering six members of a rural Georgia family was again convicted of those murders tonight.
William Balfour, who murdered three members of Jennifer Hudson's family in 2008.
Nationalists exaggerated the numbers but it is nevertheless known today that Republicans murdered 4,184 priests, 2,365 male members of religious orders, 13 bishops and 283 nuns.
David Bain is convicted of murdering five members of his family.
Coronado murdered seven members of the same family in an incident that occurred on May 17, 1995.
Over the next few months he ambushed and murdered thirteen members of the Montolesi clan.
In the last four years, paramilitary squads organized by the traffickers are believed to have murdered 750 members of this guerrilla group's political wing.
During the Holocaust the Germans murdered 49 members of his family; see how few words it takes to tell the whole story.
Man confesses murdering 8 members of his household, Reading Eagle (December 4, 1924).
A man charged with murdering three members of his own family has been sent for trial at the Crown Court.