Burnside's boss helped to keep the murder sentence short because he needed Burnside to work on the farm.
This is very rare in Australia, where the majority of murder sentences allow for the possibility of parole after a long prison term.
California officials thought they understood that he would be returned afterward to finish his murder sentence.
This marked the first time in the United Kingdom that a murder sentence was filmed for same day broadcast.
Died in prison, didn't he, serving a murder sentence?
He had served almost 16 years of a 21-year murder sentence.
Serving out eight consecutive murder sentences, he would not leave it alive.
He was also sentenced to 10 years in prison for felony possession of a firearm, which will run concurrent to the murder sentence.
Sam's attorneys are still fighting his 70-year murder sentence.
If I'm getting a murder sentence anyway, I might as well do whatever it takes to maybe get away.