Frankie is on trial for the murder of her piano-playing lover, Johnny.
A shrewd politician named Babuji develops a fancy for her, which leads to the murder of her lover.
The paranormal investigator uncovers the murders of the former yacht owner's wife and her lover.
Robert Kennedy, he writes, "very likely had conspired in the murder of his former lover, the nation's premier cinema star."
The play begins with the murder of her lover Andrea.
He is framed for the murder of his lover, and executed by the State.
With his unique ability, he identifies several future events, including the attempted murder of his lover by a look-alike.
Dubai's highest court has confirmed that a British businessman convicted for the murder of his former lover will serve a life sentence in prison.
In 1969 he was convicted of the murder of his mistress's lover and sent to jail, where he eventually died.