Inside was a large medallion bearing the familiar bust of a famous munitions manufacturer.
Which suggests that the munitions manufacturers are more responsive than the automobile companies were a generation ago.
It also pioneered production processes later transferred to munitions manufacturers around the country.
Friedrich Mandl, reputed to be the third richest man in Austria was a munitions manufacturer.
No greedy munitions manufacturer was needed here to start a war.
During the First World War and Second World War, the town became involved in munitions manufacturers.
Jerry Costigan is Russell's father, and owns a network of large businesses, not the least of which is a munitions manufacturer.
She learns that a group of munitions manufacturers are plotting to start a third world war.
Cassius, a munitions manufacturer from Runnymede, Maryland, Lutie's childhood home, was courting these men.
Aetna was founded in 1881 as a company town for the Aetna Powder Company, a munitions manufacturer.