Heavily armed security forces are reinforced by tough black municipal policemen and auxiliaries.
Three municipal policemen were held for six hours when the municipal palace was taken over by APPO in 2008.
The municipal policemen can notice all the breaches but cannot investigate.
Another incident which raised sovereignty as a public and formal issue was more complex: the formal cause was not indignation but the pertinacious enthusiasm of an Ajdabiyan municipal policeman.
This month, air traffic controllers, a state-owned airline, railroad workers, bus drivers, doctors and nurses, municipal policemen and journalists have all stopped work.
The dead included two municipal policemen.
Now, retired municipal policemen are riding the buses.
Two men came in: one of the campus cops and a regular municipal policeman.
The crime for which the Madlongwanes were condemned involved the killing of a black municipal policeman, Lucas Jetta Sethwala, on Nov. 13, 1985.
His father was a municipal policeman and his mother was a seamstress.