During the 1980s, Dunn hired Mafia soldier JoJo Ferarra as a municipal inspector on the city payroll.
Edward A. Kellerhals, a retired municipal electrical inspector who lives near Fresno, Calif., said his investments in stocks and real estate had provided a comfortable retirement for him and his wife.
In 1927, the report of the municipal inspector noted debts totalling $16,500 and commented that the town's "financial situation is not at all good."
On his return he had completed his training and is today a municipal inspector in Cologne, responsible for the care of the mentally and physically handicapped.
Faida Hamdy, a 45-year-old municipal inspector in Sidi Bouzid, a police officer's daughter, was single, had a "strong personality" and an unblemished record, her supervisor said.
The guillotine was later confiscated by municipal inspectors.
Plainclothes unarmed municipal inspectors would be on duty.
Seeking new strategies to deter corruption, the Koch administration said yesterday that it would crack down on businesses that offer or pay bribes to municipal inspectors.
With a private American grant, she hired a municipal environmental inspector.
This is enforced by municipal inspectors, and was inspired by the death of 7-year-old Nicole Garofalo in 2005 due to snow blocking a home heating vent.