Others, such as converting municipal garbage to energy through incineration, may get bogged down in the growing array of city ordinances limiting air pollution.
Today there are 80, of which fewer than 10 take municipal garbage.
At this time what is the better system for recycling the organic fraction of municipal garbage in the U.S.A?
But he said that municipal garbage ash is legally exempt from treatment as hazardous waste in most cases.
Even medical waste, theoretically controlled by stringent rules that require hospitals to operate incinerators, is routinely dumped with regular municipal garbage.
Garbage is provided by private companies according to customer purchase, though the city does offer municipal garbage pick up as a service.
Nationally, about 8 percent of municipal garbage is exported from state to state, the association estimates.
For years, the overlook was used as a municipal garbage; in the last decade, the refuse was removed and the site restored.
The bill's prime target is "backhauling," the practice of using trucks that carry food cross-country to carry municipal garbage on the trip home.
This should include municipal garbage over the maximum allowances, plus all garbage brought in by private carters.