In fact, the control board itself never cut any jobs; determining how to reduce municipal expenses was left to the city.
In drawing up the budget adopted in June, the Mayor decided to use the proceeds of an extended surcharge for day-to-day municipal expenses.
As tax collections fall and municipal expenses rise, towns are looking at all sources of revenues, and parking ticket receipts are getting increasing attention.
Ogdensburg is one of four Sussex County towns that provide garbage collection at municipal expense.
He died in Trent in June, 1929 and was buried at municipal expense.
And general municipal expenses rose $1.3 million.
The fund is not intended to cover continuing municipal expenses.
Instead, the declaration allocated federal funding to reimburse cities for debris removal, repairing damaged public buildings, and other municipal expenses for each of the states.
In 1992, a state appeals court ruled that revenue from beaches could be used only for beach maintenance and not diverted for other municipal expenses.
The worms consume and convert household garbage into rich compost, thus reducing the amount of waste that must otherwise be treated at considerable municipal expense.