Cancer cells multiply fast, and the body may become resistant to drugs and radiation treatments, so it is important to get therapy early on.
Regulators worry that these scams will multiply fast in cyberspace, which now has five million on-line subscribers and millions more on the Internet, the giant computer network.
This means that zombies can multiply fast, and can overtake whole towns relatively quickly.
Suspicions about him multiply fast, and by the film's end, having his head shaved and ashes thrown in his face by the other students are the least horrible of the injuries he suffers.
Small animals multiply fast, because they're eaten by larger things.
They are multiplying fast.
Except when your are giving them air to let them multiply fast.
Gadgets for the home and office multiplied fast: among them were refrigerators, vacuum cleaners, typewriters and telephones - the last increasing from 1 355 000 in 1900 to 20 200 000 in 1930.
Multiplying Rapidly The gulls are multiplying fast.
They multiply fast: colonies can double their size in between 30 minutes and a few hours.