That kind of pressure, multiplied across corporate America, could result in job cutbacks and slower economic growth.
"You multiply that across the industry," Mr. Miller said, "and it would exceed" the government's cost of paying the health care costs.
They went out on their own and they multiplied our campaign all across this country.
The dot product is worked out by multiplying and summing across a single index in both tensors.
Occasionally, a double dot product is used to represent multiplying and summing across two indices.
New cracks multiplied across the wall with frightening speed.
Five or six jobs are lost, and this process, multiplied across the economy, can help to turn a mild downturn into a very painful one.
"They really caught on and were multiplying across the country, and obviously that was perceived as too far, too fast by the men in power."
The gatherings multiplied across the country - more than 500 retreats are planned internationally in 2007 - as well as an annual training conference.
That is the aim of the workers' struggles that are multiplying across Europe.