Since last summer, the United States has held two separate multiparty negotiations involving North Korea and concerning its nuclear weapons program.
Recently leaders of the militant group have met with Government officials and said they were willing to join the multiparty negotiations on a new political order.
The proposal is the latest from the National Party as it prepares for the next round of multiparty negotiations on the country's future.
Next the factions must return to multiparty negotiations and resolve differences over a new constitution and the mechanics of transition.
The failure to resume multiparty negotiations sparked a new regional diplomatic push that will continue in the coming days.
It has engaged intensive diplomacy to arrange multiparty negotiations to address the issue, a crucial contribution when the Bush administration was bogged down in the Iraq war.
"Experience has shown to us that it is very, very difficult to deal in multiparty negotiations," said R. Patrick Thompson, president of Nymex.
The Conservative Party, the official opposition party in the white-controlled Parliament, joined multiparty negotiations last month on the country's political future.
But he is most widely remembered in foreign policy circles for being the United States' representative at the multiparty negotiation over the future of divided Germany.
Burger understands that in this day of multiracial, multiparty negotiations, such questions will not be decided by a roomful of 20 white men in business suits.