A multinational team of 290 forensic pathologists and other specialists arrived at the site on Sunday.
Its multinational and multidisciplinary teams of researchers have a growing membership, now including the world's four largest economies.
He vowed to create a multinational team to run the bank, without explicitly promising to appoint a European as his deputy.
The forces of participating nations were assigned to either of two multinational teams.
A biological pesticide to control locusts was being tested across Africa by a multinational team in 1997.
The results found by a multinational team of about 600 physicists and engineers were announced today in Stanford.
A large multinational team of researchers has just published a new method for making these measurements in Nature.
Networking within multinational teams may also be greatly facilitated using the service.
The department with a multinational team of approx.
We have a very multinational team here on Long Island.