They are also wary of the negotiating power that large, often multinational retailers have with suppliers around the world.
Like many Chinese manufacturers, Mr. Ye is jealous of the large share of a garment's value controlled by multinational retailers.
Are giant multinational retailers good for Africa?
Brandworkers also operates a website for retail and food employees as well as community members concerned about the practices of multinational retailers.
Topshop is a British multinational retailer which specialises in fashion clothing, shoes, make-up and accessories.
It is home to many multinational retailers such as Uniqlo and H&M, and is also home to a Renaissance Hotel.
As foreign investment flooded in, multinational retailers bought up domestic chains or entered joint ventures with them.
Customers are a mix of multinational, multichannel retailers, with the majority being small business merchants.
Pre-empting the agreement and its entry into force, the major multinational retailers and importers quickly attempted to derail it.
In Italy, either the multinational major retailers or the cooperatives are using a cartel strategy utterly speculatively to the detriment of consumers.