The financial services giant landed the multimillion-dollar business two years after Thornburgh's top press aide took an executive position at the firm.
But until recently other companies took its inventions and turned them into multimillion-dollar businesses.
Despite great promise, the market for pen-based computing has so far failed to materialize into the multimillion-dollar business that many analysts have projected.
Eating disorders, liposuction, breast implants and cosmetics are not multimillion-dollar businesses in the Muslim community.
What's more, dealing with diversity, one of the most popular management concepts of the 90's, is becoming a booming multimillion-dollar business.
But as politicians and reporters examined the nonprofit blood banks, they discovered multimillion-dollar businesses, often concerned more with public image than public health.
Today it is emerging as a global, multimillion-dollar business.
The feud between Coloredge and Company Photo shows that the battle in the multimillion-dollar business is fierce.
A handful of the most popular forums are multimillion-dollar businesses.
Since selling her interest in the multimillion-dollar business in 1988, she has continued as a consultant.