Bronwyn Terrill, a multimedia developer for the learning center, said it would tell Dr. Watson where he was from.
A. The lifeblood of the industry is the independent artists and multimedia developers who still answer their own phones, don't get much sleep and are brilliant.
What better time to start an advertising campaign to sell Macintoshes, which remain the computer of choice for multimedia developers?
Sanctuary Woods Multimedia, Inc. was a multimedia developer and third-party game publisher.
He was a multimedia developer, way, way back in the mists of time, all original educational software for Apple II's.
In 2005, he launched a commercial digital venture called Sample Squad that produces exotic percussion samples for composers and multimedia developers.
Commercial multimedia developers may be hired to design for governmental services and nonprofit services applications as well.
That is the Holy Grail of multimedia developers: finding a way to immerse the viewer in a narrative but to let them shape it freely.
But Photo CD is used mostly by professionals like photographers, designers and multimedia developers.
Content developer is a generic term used for describing illustrators, visual image developers, and multimedia developers in software and web development.