One of the works was among Mr. Nikolais's earliest multimedia creations.
The "core" of the university's vision for the Hunt Library is "the ability for our students, faculty, and partners to immerse themselves in interactive computing, multimedia creation, and large-scale visualization."
The package is aimed at audio and video post-production market segments, but it also contains optional modules that can be used for multimedia creation and audio sequencing.
The textbook significance of Oiticica's work is its foreshadowing of current video installations and other multimedia creations.
E Map This grassroots center offers emerging artists a space to showcase their work, from theater to multimedia creations.
Actually, you know, it's a multimedia creation, started as a poem, expanded to a novel, then went into this painting and now he's making a flick of it.
Boing Boing - Ubuntu studio - Linux for multimedia creation (2007-01-21)
Works include highly personal documentaries and multimedia creations.
The students and faculty in schools that are working with this service are given access to curriculum and training in multimedia creation and distribution (Cablevision).
The exhibition ends with a vision of the city, a multimedia creation by a contemporary artist, occupying the entire area of the 32nd room.