He introduced flexibility in utilizing multilateral aid.
Development Today is an independent magazine on Nordic and multilateral aid, published fortnightly since 1991.
Burundi is heavily dependent on bilateral and multilateral aid, with external debt totalling $1.247 billion (1.247 G$) in 1997.
Because the economy is so successful, they're not receiving multilateral aid, like Peru and Argentina are.
Most multilateral aid has already been suspended.
The Reagan Administration is undermining two international agencies that, between them, provide almost one-quarter of the multilateral aid for third world countries.
The World Bank's success was the model, and that bank still supplies one-half of the approximately $30 billion in annual multilateral aid.
Should we be using multilateral aid or bilateral aid?
I strongly support multilateral aid backed up by bilateral aid where it can complement a project.
The same year, the institute disbursed a total of approximately 368 million euros in bilateral and multilateral aid.