Child welfare agencies implement multifaceted strategies that build on strengths and address concerns.
Is this multifaceted strategy the right way to get Americans turned on to digital TV?
Next week he will issue a multifaceted strategy that, in a perfect world, would make the 48th Precinct case the last involving corruption on his watch.
According to the film's website, radical Islamists have engaged in a "multifaceted strategy to overcome the western world," waging a "cultural jihad" to "infiltrate and undermine our society from within".
In the meantime, if the U.S. wants to promote this process of opening up and democratizing politics in Southeast Asia it needs a multifaceted strategy.
Employing a multifaceted strategy of outreach, the QMA is simultaneously a fine arts collecting museum, historical site, community center, and educational classroom.
The filmmakers contend that radical Islamists are engaging in a "multifaceted strategy to overcome the western world," waging a "cultural jihad" to "infiltrate and undermine our society from within".
This multifaceted strategy is essential given the complex situation in Colombia.
We need a multifaceted strategy to ensure that these people are guaranteed equal opportunities in full respect for the European citizens' Charter of Fundamental Rights.
A multifaceted strategy would be needed to produce change.