Do you not know that what you belittle by the name tree is but the mere four-dimensional analogue of a whole multidimensional universe which - no, I can see you do not.
Since there is no time in the multidimensional universe, the cycle of cause and effect may extend through lifetimes.
'Apparently complicated, apparently patternless behaviour that nevertheless has a simple, deterministic explanation and is a key to new levels of understanding of the multidimensional universe?'
For mulling over the latest ideas about multidimensional universes and tiny vibrating superstrings, some theorists will settle for nothing less than a technical climb with ropes and gear up a vertical wall of rock or ice.
The magical view is that all matter exists outside space and time, in a multidimensional universe.
Users need the special gear because in cyberspace's multidimensional universe, users can actually move through and experience information.
The integralness of people and the environment that coordinate with a multidimensional universe of open systems points to a new paradigm: the identity of nursing as a science.
She theorized that the identity of nursing as a science arises from the integrality of people and the environment that coordinates with a multidimensional universe of open systems.
Their protagonists were "psychronauts", helpless explorers of a confusing, multidimensional universe, facing threats from alternate universes.
The drive for a multidimensional universe has put to rest the single standard for truth and beauty, the universal ideal, the one god and the one king.