The stated aim is to give a voice to each social group in the multicultural diversity that is Dutch society.
The concept of true multicultural diversity in the arts has challenged national establishments for many years.
In the 1990s Laurentian celebrated its multicultural diversity with potluck dinners.
They try to determine how well these schools meet national goals in areas like literacy, multicultural diversity and fostering technological skills among students.
Roster experts represent over 60 different languages, and, drawing upon Canada's multicultural diversity, as many countries of origin.
Community-based teacher education also challenges teacher candidates' assumptions about the issues of gender, race, and multicultural diversity.
But only in New York, fittingly, has street food reached such a pitch of multicultural diversity.
They form a large part of Rotterdam's multi ethnic and multicultural diversity.
The cuisine of Toronto reflects Toronto's size and multicultural diversity.
We want to promote mutual understanding between young people and the multicultural diversity that we in Europe treasure.