Instead of white shirts, the cricketers now wear multicolored dresses.
The tubelike multicolored Roman-stripe dresses are becoming an evening favorite, bringing the same casual comfort of the day look onto the dance floor.
Young women in multicolored dresses danced, entertaining the sailors for a few coins.
Standing on the stage beaming, in a multicolored dress, Nujood Ali stole the show.
A brightly patterned multicolored dress shirt, like one by Richard James at Barneys New York, for $225, is daring and, if nothing else, festive.
Angie wore a multicolored short dress of a silky material that iridesced light reds, oranges, pinks.
Instead of the multicolored dresses of the earlier dolls, the later ones wore tattered clothes, making them look like the homeless.
"I address the maiden in the multicolored dress," Purple said.
Bev had worn a circle of flowers in her hair and a flowing multicolored dress that had swept her ankles.
Intellectuals Look Bored The hostess, wearing a multicolored African dress, is preparing to dance for her guests.