The improvements are part of a multi-year program that is to be completed in stages allowing for continual operation and minimal disruption to the airport.
The multi-year program begins in sixth grade and continues through high-school graduation.
This theme changes annually and is set out in the multi-year programme of work.
Adult mentors, or Sherpas, are crucial to the success of the multi-year programs.
We have undertaken a multi-year program to remedy these weaknesses.
In December 2000, the United States Army proposed a multi-year program to take the country's defense forces into the 21st century.
Many elementary schools are creating multi-year programs that will help toddlers acquire and develop language skills.
These programs can range from the training of a handful of local staff up to multi-year programs exceeding $50 million for large energy companies.
Young-leader fellowships around the globe, which bring leaders together for an intense multi-year program and commitment.
The multi-year program, supplementing each student's classroom learning, includes seminars, a summer internship, college counseling and alumni services.