Plans were unveiled on December 18, 2006, for what was then a $45 million multi-use facility.
It provides a multi-use facility for squash, tennis, basketball, and other indoor sports.
The building today is now sub-divided into a multi-use facility combining homes, offices and meeting rooms.
Planning has not started, but a new multi-use facility would include a hockey arena and curling rink.
And the word stadium has been banished in favor of "multi-use facility."
Built primarily for cricket matches, the stadium can be converted into a multi-use facility.
Recreation Halls in each block were multi-use facilities that served as both worship and education centers.
One multi-use facility features a large park for dogs, pet-friendly trails, and open space including shoreline.
It is being renovated for use as an entertainment center and multi-use facility.
The current building is a multi-use facility that includes a theater and restaurant.