Cells that overexpress this protein exhibit multi-drug resistance.
The combination is an effective and well-tolerated malaria treatment, providing high cure rates even in areas of multi-drug resistance.
Inducing suicide modules against pathogens could help combat the growing problem of multi-drug resistance.
The R1 plasmid imparts multi-drug antibiotic resistance to its host bacteria.
Active targeting has been shown to help overcome multi-drug resistance in tumor cells.
These micelle-polymer complexes also help to prevent cancer cells from developing multi-drug resistance.
These microorganisms employ several mechanisms in attaining multi-drug resistance:
P-glycoprotein is a well-studied protein associated with multi-drug resistance.
Recent advances in molecular biology have allowed the study of the phenomenon of multi-drug resistance on a genome-wide scale.
Hospital-acquired infections are being targeted due to their susceptibility to multi-drug resistance.