He added that a private firm might offer much-needed service on the half hour overnight, instead of the city's current hourly schedule.
The Business Week articles, however, provided a much-needed public service.
As a group, the providers give much-needed services to some of the state's neediest youngsters.
And you're continuing to perform a much-needed service for your country here in Japan.
The program's advocates say it is an economical way to pay for a much-needed service.
If the younger readers will support that much-needed service by reading glitz, style and real estate, so be it.
This program has meaningful potential and provides the brokerage community with a much-needed service.
Dave gave millions of dollars to the local community and schools, and provided much-needed services to the community.
They also provided some much-needed medical service including dental work, amputations, etc., all with field tools and in a damaged gazebo.