Again, though, we have the old question of linearity: what movie watcher wants all this stuff popping up all the time?
Netflix, while low-tech, can offer a better value for frequent movie watchers.
Netflix not only changed my routine, it also turned me into a different kind of movie watcher.
Important for gamers, not so much for movie watchers.
As usual, I had already pulled it half-way down to accommodate the movie watchers.
It now includes more than 8,000 mistakes, which are sent via e-mail to the site by movie watchers.
It includes a top-15 nitpickers list, acknowledging movie watchers who have sent in the most mistakes.
He contended that most movie watchers and rap fans could distinguish between real life and the fantasy of entertainment, a point echoed by others.
These days, for example, movie watchers are often treated to pre-show messages reminding them to turn off their phones.
For some at-home movie watchers, less is more.