Playing it is like falling into an exciting movie thriller.
That's why the notion of a movie thriller in which a mad man directs an airplane into heavy weather and worse is so tantalizing.
Lady, you got a bad case of too many movie thrillers.
On the screen they'd be Spinal Tap: good company, but not what any movie thriller has in mind.
Long composed the original music for the movie thrillers The Only Hotel and Surveillance 24/7.
North by Northwest is a 1959 movie thriller from Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer.
Envy that futuristic (albeit make-believe) Web browser in the movie thriller "The Net"?
Oh, they were real and dangerous to you - but they sounded like low-grade movie thrillers.
It loosely borrows its plot from third-rate movie thrillers and is, like the two other plays, too contrived to be even mildly interesting.
One aide later told me that he felt as if they had been transported into another world-a world of movie thrillers.