We have Billy Crystal with a great movie parody to open the show that nobody wants to miss, and a lot of other surprises.
Empire magazine named it a "contender for greatest ever episode", and listed it as the third best movie parody in the show.
This can be great fun to watch, much in the manner of the classic movie parodies of the old "Carol Burnett Show."
"Wayne's World 2," which also includes a few movie parodies of uneven cleverness, spends a lot of time winking at its audience in similar ways.
He is well known for his many roles in several adult movie parodies.
The comedy in this parody, aside from movie parodies, is largely driven by word-play, sight gags, and running jokes.
Some actors in the film also starred in the films the movie parodies, a few even in the same scenes and characters.
The full length TV or movie parodies which were "stripped" through each the one hour episodes were:
She seems to enjoy it, and I may yet be in the mood to read a movie parody called "Star Drech."
So he has gone back to what he does best: movie parodies.