I could see its eyes, black tektites without movement set above jaws of injected death.
SaveTheVictory.org was a movement set in motion by the Victory's official supporters club, the CVSA.
Turning back, I glanced once more at the park to savor its movements set to the timing of a sporadic breeze.
You can only direct and safeguard movements already set into motion by men like me.
In "A Room," Mark Haim contrasted calm movements set to serene work by Bach with agitated ones choreographed to rattling music by Autrechre.
The group is viewed as less of a threat, however, because it is an orthodox movement, set in the mold of other Latin America guerrilla groups.
Fifteen pairs competed in this round, in which they designed their own program of movements set to music.
By the early 20th century, this had been largely displaced by the "International Style" of free skating which utilized the entire ice surface and featured more athletic movements set to music.
Hula mua consists of classic or hula-inspired movements set to non-Hawaiian music such as techno, pop, opera, Spanish, hip-hop, and disco.
In 1847 he resisted the movement set on foot at Oxford against Hampden's appointment to the bishopric of Hereford.