There is therefore no reason to assume a movement analysis.
The first tree illustrates the movement analysis of the example above in a theory that assumes strictly binary branching structures.
Her movement analysis is grim but astute.
A computational procedure for movement analysis in handwriting.
The movement analysis is illustrated here using t (trace) and indices to mark the positions of the shared material before movement occurs.
"I'd start with their athletic experience and do some movement analysis," she said.
Classes take many forms including, movement analysis, improvisation, acrobatics, vocal preparation, writing, painting and sculpting.
On the movement analysis in the a-trees, the embedded clause is first generated in its canonical position.
To state the problem in other words, the movement analysis of the b-sentences has to explain the unexpected fact that the a-sentences are bad.
I ran a detailed movement analysis on the remainder, tying up my hardware for over an hour.