Fifteen percent of the residents have moved within the previous 12 months.
The lens has been tested on rabbits and is expected to move to human testing within the next few months.
According to the 2005 municipal census, one in seven (14.7%) had moved within the previous twelve months.
All the residents, some of whom are in their 70s and have lived there for decades, must move within the next few months.
Just under one in five (17.7%) or residents have moved within the preceding 12 months.
According to the 2005 municipal census, one in five (21.4%) had moved within the previous 12 months.
According to the 2005 municipal census, one in five (17.9%) of the population having moved within the previous 12 months.
We're looking into who has moved into the area, with a child, within the last three months.
One out of every six residents (15.6%) had moved within the previous twelve months.
Another one in three (29.2%) had moved within the preceding 12 months.