Those with moving violations in the last 24 months will be turned away.
Both wrote to ask how they could be convicted of moving violations if they never talked to a police officer.
The driver was charged with driving with a suspended license and moving violations.
Moving violations involve fines which must be paid as well and sometimes punitive points assessed to the license of the driver.
At the same time, the statewide violation schedule, covering parking and moving violations, was also adjusted upward.
Israel used her again in Moving Violations in 1985.
Tickets for moving violations on April 9 totaled 1,895, he said, as against 4,683 on an average day in March.
More telling, perhaps, is the sharp reduction in tickets issued for moving violations: 2,893 last week versus 24,282 a year earlier, or an 88 percent decline.
Drivers typically must remain free of moving violations and at-fault accidents for a specified period of time.
"Moving Violations" could, in fact, be described as an "Invisible Man" for the disabled.