Last night, a move to introduce such a scheme was defeated by just a dozen votes.
The president's move to introduce proportional representation to Lebanese elections is a step toward dismantling political sectarianism.
There were three more in the crowded corridor, including the legless man, but Rogachev made no move to introduce them.
A spokesperson for the school later declared that the move to introduce clip-on ties was "more about student appearance than health and safety".
He made no move to introduce Polly.
He made no move to shake hands and introduce himself.
There have been no moves in the Senate so far this year to introduce similar legislatiion.
In the 1890s there was a move to introduce legislation that would stop Lebanese migration and ban those already resident from peddling goods.
But made no move to introduce the departing caller to me.
But despite such fears, the move to introduce the technology has seemed unstoppable.