Last week, the Atheists' suit was moved to federal court.
The prosecution needed evidence to work with as the case moved to court, he reminded the police commander.
However, Muite's party moved to court and won reprieve allowing them to be added as late participants.
It expired after the defendant, Tucker Max, moved the case to federal court.
If the parties cannot come to an agreement, the case moves to court through a petition to partition action.
The lead prosecutor has said that if the case is not moved to adult court, he will be forced to consider dropping the charges.
Some exporters have moved to court to challenge the ban.
The order expired last week after lawyers for the Shinnecocks petitioned to move that case to federal court.
Ozzie was deeply concerned about Carl Lee's safety while they moved him from the jail to court and back each day.
The defendants tried to move the case to federal court.