Standing upon this point we saw in the distance a number of moving specks upon the water.
There was a line of moving specks on the pathway, just emerging from the forest.
Moving specks that are vehicles.
Three dark, moving specks, doubtless the figures of men, appeared beside the glint as they watched.
Far down on deck, the men looked like moving specks.
Even they couldn't make the Lizard sentries on the walls of the palace and in positions around it seem much more than little moving antlike specks.
The stars it showed were moving specks of light.
The sun was just ready to pop over the earth's rim, and above the growing light in the sky he could see moving black specks.
Blisslights are easy to use laser lights projectors that create a dizzying paroxysm of thousands of moving specks of light.
Until then it was just a dark field, but when they started to scatter we could see moving specks, like ants.