I would think a better question would be why do people walk on moving sidewalks (such as at certain airports) but stand still on escalators.
There were vehicles on the streets, sometimes moving faster than was safe, and few sidewalks, no specially designated pedestrian areas.
School children, on the electrically moving sidewalks surrounding the plaza, stare at me in childish awe.
Some travelers complain that the expansion has resulted in long walks to and from many gates; that is made somewhat easier by moving sidewalks.
The station is connected to the airport via an elevated 1,250-foot (380-meter) skywalk with moving sidewalks, known as the Interlink.
On both sides of the hall were moving sidewalks, like the ones they have in trainports.
The arms of the 'X' are huge corridors with moving sidewalks that lead to airline gates.
(Later): There is unusual activity on the electrically moving sidewalks surrounding me.
Two years later, a subway engineer proposed replacing shuttle trains with moving sidewalks.
Construction is under way in two of the airport's five terminals to add moving sidewalks and a 45,000-square-foot retail mall.