After ten heartbeats, the bandits began moving noisily through the brush and out onto the packed dirt of the road.
He could hear the group noisily moving farther down the corridor.
Levin understood, but not completely, and was about to ask a few more questions, when everyone suddenly started talking and moving noisily into the big room.
Tillie was still asleep, though, her breath moving noisily in and out of her open mouth.
She could hear the two men on the right and left moving noisily to cut her off.
Brien listened to them move away noisily, shook his head, remembered he, too, had once been that unpromising.
The soldiers not only moved noisily, they moved slowly.
He moved noisily down the narrow trail toward the canyon's bottom, at his heels his fond companion.
They noisily move away from the shore when disturbed, giving them their common name.
The gas pedal proved superfluous; even without touching it, the car moved noisily at 20 miles an hour.