The Russians were moving nuclear missiles into places like Prague and Budapest.
And then he moved surface-to-air missiles into position to threaten allied plans patrolling the no-flight zone in the south.
At this ballistic missile facility, again, two days before inspections began, five large cargo trucks appeared along with a truck-mounted crane to move missiles.
Iraqi forces have also moved additional mobile antiaircraft batteries and surface-to-air missiles into the zones.
Russia has also warned against moving defensive missiles to Turkey's border with Syria.
The Russians, with their ability to create unrest, recently moved advanced fighter jets and anti-aircraft missiles to its bases in Armenia.
In late December, both countries moved ballistic missiles closer to each other's border, and mortar and artillery fire was reported in Kashmir.
Say, if we grab that place and move all the heavy guns and missiles here, we could stand off anybody.
January 1993: Another plane is shot down by the coalition, and Iraq moves surface-to-air missiles into the south and refuses to remove them.
When the Iraqi dictator moved surface-to-air missiles into one of the proscribed regions, no-fly zone exploded into common usage.