All these tools move items by some kind of force.
He went to the doorway for light, and looked inside as he moved items roughly about.
This technique is still common where using machines to move water, supplies, or other items would be impractical.
Using this information we can perform a series of exchanges on the input array that puts it in order, moving items only once.
Repeating things or always moving items to keep them in perfect order.
This may include offering to assist the customer by moving items to an accessible counter or to their table in another area.
She opened it slowly, moved several items inside, and took out what I immediately saw was a packet of letters.
Often, these people have all sorts of equipment such as a long pole that they use to move items in the dumpster around.
I hope that your services will take that into account when you next consider moving legislative items on the agenda.
It is also quite common for recovery operators to be asked to move 'other' items.