The move appeared timed to underscore perceived links between this conflict and a war in Iraq.
Pentagon officials insisted that the move was not timed to coincide with the announcement on an arms accord.
He was beginning to realize that since leaving the casino their every move had been carefully planned and timed.
His moves were timed almost to his enemy's action.
The move had been perfectly timed; he held the bat'leth immobile.
The move was well timed, as he sold before the 1929 stock market crash and the discovery of antibiotics, which replaced Argyrol in use.
His moves were timed to split seconds, when required.
This much they had anticipated, and their move was well timed.
The move is timed to avoid thunderstorms and lightning, which often occur in the daytime this time of year.
The move was well timed as far as the new sniper school staff was concerned.