Shane Carwin will move into the slot vacated by Lesnar.
The best offer came from the Jets, who a day earlier had already made a trade with Chicago to move into the No. 4 slot.
It is commonly assumed that Levin will move into the No. 2 slot on Munro's retirement.
He moved into the slot, received Ferraro's pass from the left circle, and slipped his second shot just inside the right post.
He had been the host of the Rockies pre-game show before moving into the play-by-play slot.
Nebraska (11-1) moved into the No. 2 slot from No. 6 with a 7-3 victory over its archrival, Oklahoma.
The cleaning crew had a cancellation and moved my emergency into the slot.
The Ranger forward, Glenn Anderson, was in perfect position, moving into the slot in front of the net.
It was obvious that he would move into the higher slot if it became vacant.
One of them would literally have to break a leg in order for her to move into the slot.